Welcome back to the rad paleo weight loss plan in this life you're going to talk about the Paleo eating plan details and how was perfected over 2 million years so paleo eating plan is a high fat moderate protein low carbohydrate diet of mostly nutrient-dense animal fats proteins organ meats nuts vegetables fruits and water humans eat and thrive on this time. For over 2 million years up until about 10000 years ago when we discovered farming and switch to a high carbohydrate grain based diet and the Paleo eating plan is the perfect human diet because it provides us with massive amounts of how promoting nutrients and energy vitamins minerals proteins fats enzymes antioxidants etc. You're everything that I see humans need to be healthy to be human the rapid paleo weight loss plan it's fast as healthy as permanent fat loss and one of the key systems paleo weight loss plan work is the body fat set point in going to help you understand how the system works and how you can lower your body fat sit down to where you want to be when you know it should be and then show you how it says they're automatically your purebred your body to fit in that new lean body fat set point for you 24/7 if you know how to set it right in eat really healthy food healthy lushes paleo style food tasty nutrient-rich and fat burning if there's no denial in here there's no sacrifice in the Paleo diet believe me and demonstrate how just simple amounts of light exercise but consistent exercise will signal the body to burn fat and be healthy
Also if you
add in some lifestyle improvement is really simple life topStyle Improvement
like improving your sleep your Staley sitting standing habits in reducing your
stress you're going to achieve even more fat loss in Munich game even more health
is it really like magic the natural way the human body is supposed to work I
want to help you create the best version of you possible cleaner healthier
energetic and this is how humans are supposed to be its how you are supposed to
be this is our default just want to help you get back to it help us all go back
to it I want to teach you how to thrive not just survive so the body fat set point is an amazing
system for permanent weight loss because it automatically maintains ever
setting that you create and I show you how to create the lower setting that you
want and using a paleo diet and paleo eating plan and an exercise will lower
that body-fat setpoint down in the longer you keep it down to where you want it
easier it is to me because your brain automatically defense that knew that set
point Cuz you're not dead so thinks it's a good thing is so natural sew in to
do for humans that is really easy to maintain without much effort because this
is your default way of living as a human.
So food is
a messenger food provides nutrition and food obviously provides energy food and what type of food that you eat can
promote either good healthy hormones or bad hormones in food and nutrition food
provide the building blocks of healthy cells specially when we eat nutrient-dense
real whole healthy paleo style food and food is energy and food conceal Ali
healthy body or a fat sick when it's up to you and using exercise in the Paleo
plan is a lot easier than you think that you could do this without any exercise
at all but I don't recommend it goes this is just takes a little to make a huge
difference their sides has so much leverage and exercises also a messenger
because depending on the types of exercise you doing you can promote good
hormones that burn fat and build muscle and it's not hard to do that and we
exercise especially when you do your resistance exercises in just just with
your bodyweight only you burn fat for weighs 3 current and one permanently in
Australia that work and also exercise is just for your overall good health kit
reduces stress that boost your brain pleasure hormones in it is your self
esteem when you're feeling good like this when you're looking good like this
when you are good in life you going to stick with your daily walk.
Then wife
style prevents or a big part of the Paleo plan if we can help you improve your
sleeping habits or sitting habits in your stress it makes a huge difference in
your health and your fat loss when you sleep better increase lot of fat burning
and muscle building hormones like human growth hormone testosterone and things
like that and you reduce hormones that is helpful for you in losing fat and
gaining healthy weight cortisol is a good heart rate does it sir job but if you
have too much of it because you don't sleep enough then it hurt you rather than
helps you like it supposed to show you why and how to not sit all day because
when you see it you burn half the calories is standing in men less than
standing and moving around when you stand around all day long and so it every once in a while you're
healthier and you burn more fat then finally when you add a stress reduction
program this huge difference and has a lot of leverage increase your health in
Brandon that because less stressful eliminate cravings and it'll create more good
hormones like we talked about before and less of these bad hormones like
cortisol so you're going to have less screens for junk garbage food high
carbohydrate food that's going to make you inflamed less healthy than should be
so coming up we're going to go into detail about how food is a messenger in
this is amazing system how your body can see your body fat to burn if you burn
the right foods and what should you have in a paleo eating plan helps you eat
those right foods healthy fats healthy proteins and healthy carbs starchy look
like carbs like most vegetables in so it's.